With an emphasis on continuous learning, Leadership in Logistics is designed to guide members in expanding their management capabilities by sharing knowledge and experiences.

In addition to the peer group meetings on the third Wednesday of each odd‑numbered month, the chair will conduct private meetings with each group member during even‑numbered months to supplement the exchange of logistics knowledge gained from group activities.

Most group meetings will feature a professional speaker with the objective of expanding leadership skills rather than the technical aspects of logistics.

Each meeting will also include a host presentation, possibly including a plant tour, as well as a description of logistics and other leadership issues.
Confidentiality is the heart of peer group activity, which is based on the principle that no corporate leader should ever have to go it alone.
Peers — everyone from the colleagues you see every day to the strangers with whom you share common interests — are essential to professional success and to personal happiness.
For more information about this exceptional resource for logistics professionals, call 614-946-9436 or use this form to contact us.
Our Other Services
With four books and one subscription newsletter in print, no other source provides a wider range of knowledge about warehouse management. By subscribing to the monthly Warehousing Forum on line, readers now have access to every issue in the 30+ year history of this publication, as well as a comprehensive index of topics covered in earlier newsletters.
Our newest educational activity includes a two day workshop for line supervisors. This educational offering recognizes the fact that the majority of warehouse supervisors were promoted from worker to leader because they were outstanding performers. They received little or no orientation on the difference between a doer and a leader. Our highly interactive workshop includes management cases, role-play, and substantial class discussion to educate supervisors in the concept of leadership. This program is available on a custom basis for users with 12 or more supervisors. Inaugurated in 2015, the workshop has been presented many times, with additional offerings currently scheduled.
If you had been a subscriber to our monthly newsletter this year, you would have received pertinent information about vested outsourcing as well as an article about warehouse costs and risks. An article about marketing generated significant interest from operators of warehouse service companies. For more information about this newsletter, click here.
Two Recent Articles about Ken Ackerman

DC Velocity - Click to read.

Warehousing Education and Research Council - Click to read.
Cornerstones of the Business
The management advisory activities at The Ackerman Company are based on four cornerstones: objectives, methods, people and satisfaction. These have remained constant throughout more than three decades of service.
Objectives: We
seek to constantly improve our understanding of our clients'
needs and to help them make their warehousing and logistics operations
more profitable.
See more.
Methods: We provide on-site management guidance, public and in-house
educational seminars, warehousing texts and reference manuals, a monthly newsletter,
and a home-study course.
See more.
People: Every management advisor, writer and teacher at the Ackerman
Company is a seasoned warehousing professional with substantial hands-on experience.
See more.
Satisfaction: Our
work has always been guaranteed. Our clients respect our advice because we
take the time to understand their needs and business goals.
our references.

Lean Warehousing
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first book to apply the lean manufacturing theory specifically to the world of warehousing. This 156-page soft cover book has nine parts, dealing with the why of getting lean and how it works, as well as storage, materials handling, tools, consumables, construction and leadership. The last part on implementation has a series of checklists. This reader friendly text combines the best of lean theory with practical tips that can be applied in your warehouse. |
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