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A Habit to Break

We have all experienced micromanagement, first when it is done to us by a boss and later when we do it ourselves. Even when we know it isn’t effective and we don’t like it done to us, why does the habit persist? Here are a few reasons:

  • We are only eager to help. One way to pitch in is to start doing the job yourself. When your team is overloaded, this kind of micromanagement might be welcome because it helps get the job done. But when there is no overload, doing it yourself is unwelcome and not helpful.
  • We confuse the processes of showing and coaching. Coaching is an important element of leadership, but it is far more than mere demonstration. People learn by doing, not just by watching. If watching is not accompanied by learning, the person may feel micromanaged.
  • We are most likely to micromanage those things that we know well and are good at. Because of our competence and confidence, it is painful to watch somebody do the job in a different way than the one that we are used to. Therefore, we can’t resist the temptation to jump in and get it done with our favorite method.
  • We emphasize short-term results. When speed seems more important than enabling others to learn and grow, there is an irresistible temptation to do it yourself.
  • When the cost and risk of doing it wrong is very high, it is safer to do it yourself. Making mistakes is part of the learning process, and there are cases where errors seem intolerable.

None of these examples are bad things. Doing them occasionally does not make you a bad leader. They are problems when they become the way we always work.


K. B. Ackerman Company
1 Miranova Place
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone 614-946-9436

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